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Title:  Authentic: Cultivating Authentic Relationship with God

Author:  Dr. Rob Reimer

ISBN:  9781956370508

How do we develop a deep lasting intimacy with God?

One of the problems with being a Christ follower is that we can substitute religious expressions and religious behaviors for authentic experiences and encounters without even know we are doing it. The longer we go to church the more we know the right words to say and the right things to do, but we can easily say those words and do those things without transformational intimacy with Jesus? We can start with significant, transformational encounters with God, and end up with dusty old religion.

In Authentic, we will explore the following:


  • What is religion and how do we avoid falling into its traps and snares?

  • How does intimacy with God and people work?

  • How do we develop depth with God and sustain it over a lifetime?

  • What are the practices and attitudes that we can develop to help us draw near to God so we can learn to live an authentic spiritual life in Christ?


We don’t want to settle for the counterfeit, when Jesus offers us abundant life.

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Title:  Soul Care

Author:  Dr. Rob Reimer

ISBN:  9781942587453


Soul Care explores seven principles that can lead to lasting transformation and freedom for all who struggle with a broken, damaged, and sin-stained soul.

Brokenness grasps for the soul of humanity. We are broken body, soul, and spirit, and we need the healing touch of Jesus. Soul Care explores seven principles that are profound healing tools of God: securing your identity, repentance, breaking family sin patterns, forgiving others, healing wounds, overcoming fears, and deliverance.

Dr. Rob Reimer challenges readers to engage in an interactive, roll-up-your-sleeves and get messy process -- a journey of self-reflection, Holy Spirit inspiration, deep wrestling, and surrender. It is a process of discovering yourself in true community and discovering God as He pierces through the layers of your heart.

Life change is hard. But these principles, when packaged together and lived out, can lead to lasting transformation, freedom, and a healthy soul. Soul Care encourages you to gather a small group of comrades in arms, read and process together, open your souls to one another, access the presence and power of God together, and journey together into the freedom and fullness of Christ.

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Title:  The Tenderness of Jesus

Author:  Dr. Rob Reimer

ISBN:  9781956370027

The world is a broken place marred by evil, and evil’s influence impacts us all. It is often difficult for people to grasp what God is like in a world such as ours. Jesus shows us the heart of God in a world of heartache. He is the most beautiful, compelling, tender person who has lived.

Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory. He shines forth what God is like; He is a beacon of light that cuts through the darkness of evil and radiates the goodness of God. He is the exact representation of God the Father. If you want to know what God is like, look to Jesus. Don’t look through the lens of evil or the lenses of either the church or religion. Look to Jesus. That is why He came. The world is not an exact representation of God. The church is not an exact representation of God. Jesus is. He came to freshly present what the Father is like to those of us who are spiritually impaired by a world of suffering.

The Tenderness of Jesus, in many ways, is my most personal book to date. I invite you to listen in as I write to my four young adult children about the tenderness of Jesus Christ. Come sit with us around the dinner table. May this fresh glimpse of Jesus heal your broken heart and reignite your spiritual fervor.


Title:  BOLD: Living Intentionally in Today’s World 

Author:  Nicki Corinne White

ISBN:  9781952025792

BOLD ~ Living Intentionally In Today’s World encourages believers in Christ to be intentional in their daily lives in serving God and sharing the gospel.

Testimonies of ordinary people who stepped out of their comfort zone and took a risk to serve God will inspire you to live YOUR life with intention and boldness. Examples from the lives of heroes of faith and people in the Bible who bravely stood for God no matter the consequences will encourage you. They were BOLD in their faith, in large and small ways because they were intentional in their lives and decisions. You can be BOLD too.

This book will motivate and inspire you in your own walk of faith as you serve our mighty God.

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Title:  LIVE BOLDLY Workbook Vol 1: Episodes 1-15 

Author:  Nicki Corinne White

ISBN:  9781954437722


The LIVE BOLDLY workbook was created so you, dear readers, could use my video series LIVE BOLDLY for a Bible study, small group, or even just to expand your personal understanding of the topics and dig deeper into the Bible. My goal is for each of you to be able to better enjoy this video series and grow your walk with God.

The video series covers Biblical topics and passages. It also expands upon them with practical application. The workbook follows along with the video series and adds questions and commentary to make you reflect and meditate.

This workbook would be a great addition to your Bible study library or small group itinerary.

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Title:  LIVE BOLDLY Workbook Vol 3: Episodes 31-45 

Author:  Nicki Corinne White

ISBN:  9781956370577

The LIVE BOLDLY WORKBOOK VOLUME 3 was created so you, dear readers, could use my video series, “LIVE BOLDLY” for a Bible study, small group, or even just to expand your personal understanding of the topics and dig deeper into the Bible.

My goal is for each of you to be able to better enjoy this video series and grow your walk with God.

The LIVE BOLDLY video series covers Biblical topics and passages. It also expands upon them with practical application. The workbook follows along with the video series and adds questions and commentary to make you reflect and meditate.

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Title:  LIVE BOLDLY Workbook Vol 2: Episodes 16-30 

Author:  Nicki Corinne White

ISBN:  9781956370096


The LIVE BOLDLY WORKBOOK VOLUME 2 was created so you, dear readers, could use my video series, “LIVE BOLDLY” for a Bible study, small group, or even just to expand your personal understanding of the topics and dig deeper into the Bible.

My goal is for each of you to be able to better enjoy this video series and grow your walk with God.

The LIVE BOLDLY video series covers Biblical topics and passages. It also expands upon them with practical application. The LIVE BOLDLY workbook series follows along with the video series and adds questions and commentary to make you reflect and meditate.

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Title:  Driven by Prayer

Author:  Bernie Moore

ISBN:  9781956370232

How can our lives be driven by prayer?

This conundrum plagued even those who were closest to Jesus. The question the disciples asked Him was not, “Teach us to start a church,” or, “Teach us how to sustain or grow a ministry.” They didn’t ask Him to teach them how to put together great messages or how to be successful communicators. They were not interested in any of those things until they had asked Him the most important thing: “Teach us to pray.”

They knew it was one of the greatest strengths He could pass on to them!

Many Christians neglect the power of prayer in their daily lives and fail to tap into its ability to impact the world. In Bernie Moore’s latest book, Driven by Prayer, you will be guided through the Bible to recognize the stories of those whose prayers changed everything. God sees His people intimately and desires to converse with His children constantly. Prayer is the secret that allows us to discover the treasures hidden in the heart of God. Discover the ultimate key to tackling all of life’s issues and creating a peaceful environment in any and every situation through the simple act of prayer.


Title:  Enough

Author:  Lafe Angell

ISBN:  9781956370133


You aren’t alone.

Each of us has been through seasons when we needed something more. Maybe you’re in that season now. Are you feeling anxious and alone, longing for something, ANYTHING more? Have you wondered: “I wish I knew what my purpose was,” “I need more peace,” or “I feel so hopeless right now?”

What if you had more joy? More hope? More purpose? We want to walk in a deeper level of faith, but sometimes we need more of that too!

There’s even more good news! God knows EXACTLY what you need, and He is more than ENOUGH. He sees your striving and searching, and He wants to replace it with His peace.

Enough, A God Who Meets You Where You Are is about understanding who God is and how He will satisfy your longing as He draws you closer. The truth is God is ALL we need. Are you ready to be more in love with God, at rest in Him and excited for wherever He wants to take you?

Journey to discover a purpose-filled, hope-filled, and joy-filled relationship with God.

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Title:  Finding Grace to Grieve

Author:  Stephanie Jahnke

ISBN:  9781956370430


The consuming pain of loss can cause you to question God, even if you have gone to church your whole life. How could the all-loving God allow this to happen?

Maybe He’s not who I always thought He was.

Have you ever felt the pressure to present the image of the "good Christian" to those around you while living through difficult circumstances? It can be exhausting and detrimental to the grieving process.

Stephanie shares her journey through loss, anger at God, and healing once she discovered God’s true character as He revealed Himself to her. To all who grieve, there is a God who wants to walk with you through the difficulties and weave His grace into your story.

May you, too, discover the kindness of the Heavenly Father and experience healing when grief and God’s grace collide.

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Title:  Created to Relate

Author:  Desiree Taylor

ISBN:  9781956370447


Have you grown up in the church? Or maybe you’ve just always heard about God?

Have you ever felt like you are going through the motions in your Christian life, only to be left feeling empty, defeated, or both?

In Created to Relate, Desiree Taylor will walk you through those religious mindsets, habits, and attitudes that so easily shackle us. And she will show you, through her own experiences, how to exchange them for the mind and attitude of Jesus. Desiree shares how she came to see God beyond the legalism and how you too can see who you are in Him.

In these pages, you will learn to see yourself and others through a different lens. You will begin to recognize those wrong mindsets, habits, and attitudes you have carried with you through this life. Desiree’s desire is that you will leave unburdened and free from what you have carried around in your own “backpack” in this life, ready to move forward on your journey with a renewed mind and heart.Created to Relate will change your relationship with yourself, others, and most importantly, Jesus, leading you into freedom and a life Living Beyond Religion.

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Title:  Miracle at Angels Bend: A Contemporary Tale of Finding Joy through Jesus Christ

Author:  R. Christian Bohlen

ISBN:  9781956370287

Four unsuspecting souls stumble upon a mysterious book...

... a budding musician living in the fast lane,
... an aspiring missionary using opioids to cope with family loss,
... a husband grappling with his marriage to a mentally ill spouse,
... an outspoken journalist in love with a married man.

Their common thread? A profound, shared encounter with the life and wisdom of Jesus Christ, woven into the pages of this mysterious writing.

Within its historical truths lie the seeds of unforeseen miracles, ready to bloom within the hearts of these modern-day disciples in distress.

Inspired by actual events and people, Miracle at Angels Bend is accessible for readers new to the Christian faith, as well as deep enough for someone looking for richer doctrinal perspectives and life application insights. Any modern reader will relate to this contemporary tale of overcoming darkness through true, transformative belief in the Light of the World.

Step into Angels Bend and experience your own miraculous faith journey today.

Discover why critics and readers raving!

2024 International Book Awards - Fiction: Religious Finalist

“A gripping tale of suspense and redemption . . . offering fresh insights and perspectives, especially about how the narratives intersect with the messy, complex realities of life.”
—BookLife Reviews (straight A production grades)

“Wisdom with the power to change readers’ lives . . . this book is on a mission to help people find the root of their being—their souls and their faith.”
— BookTrib

“Brilliantly put together. How the life of Jesus is intertwined with the thoughts of the characters is remarkable and unique. I read it in a couple days and felt the Holy Spirit throughout, with tears much of the time.”
— Rita H., reader

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Title:  Bible Journey:  Discovering Your Story in God's Story

Author:  Bryan Dolan

ISBN:  9781956370454


"Bible Journey is one of the best tools available for everyone to gain a deeper understanding of the Word of God.

This book, distilled from Bible Journey, provides an invaluable framework for all of us to see the big picture of God's story and find our place within it. Readers will enjoy the clarity of presentation, the graphics and charts, and the incisive questions for self-reflection.

This book is eloquent testimony to Dolan's passion for the Bible, his rich experience studying and teaching it, and his profound commitment to helping all people understand their lives in the greater redemption narrative of God's salvation history."

Timothy Dalrymple President/CEO Christianity Today


Title:  Servant-Leadership: A Remedy for Racism in America

Author:  Dr. Robert J. Cruz

ISBN:  9781956370270

Servant-Leadership! The world’s most potent leadership philosophy!

Servant-leadership is the foremost leadership tool that can be applied in personal and professional relationships. It will provide a remedy for what ails America today, the deep-seated root of racism. Today, servant-leadership and racism permeate through our systems, ideologies, and movements. Servant-leadership is the healing method we need for the soul of America.

My goal is for this book to be a lightning rod to spark a fire in the hearts of people to use in their circles of influence and help close the racial gap that exists between servant-leadership and racism. My hope is for people to acknowledge their racism, become free of it, and decide to contribute positively to building people and improving the communities where they serve, which just happen to be servant-leadership characteristics.

Yes, I agree, this is a substantial goal. However, servant-leadership and racism reside at opposite ends of the spectrum of humanity. To close the gap it will take trust, courage, transparency, patience, love, perseverance, joy, and kindness. It will require that we not keep an account of wrongdoing, and to forgive our brother or sister as many times as necessary for peace and love to prevail, rule, and reign in our hearts and lives. We can, and we must work together to make this reality. Help us, God! We cannot be quiet anymore!

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Title:  God’s Word and the Gutenberg Press:  The Light that Illuminated the Dark Ages

Authors:  Mark Smith & Cynthia Kirchner

ISBN:  9781956370218


For nearly 600 years, authors have chronicled the story of Gutenberg’s revolutionary invention, the movable type printing press, and yet the whole story has never fully been told until now.

God’s Word and Gutenberg’s Bible explores the miraculous and providential incidents surrounding the invention of the printing press. It places in context the religious, scientific, political, and historical events that inspired this great man’s vision and passion for printing the Bible. Gutenberg saw, as only few men have ever seen, the demand and need for God’s Word.

His invention literally transformed the night of the Dark Ages into the daylight of the Reformation.

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Title:  Jesus Shines Through:  A Lifelong Search Through Hippies, Communes, Rage, and Church Culture for the God Who Heals

Author:  Phillip Cohen

ISBN:  9781954437982

Alone … in the dimly lit cell … I’m pacing the perimeter, trying to outrun my own dark thoughts.

I’m only 13 years old. Is this my life and the first step toward dying in a gutter like Dad says I will? Will I be in and out of prison? I walk faster and faster….breaking into a run and then running until I’m exhausted. I unfold the blanket in my cell, spread it on the hard floor, and drop off to sleep.

Crushed by a violent, alcoholic father, and growing up in a world of street gangs, organized crime, and anti-Semitism. Phillip Cohen somehow navigates dangerous neighborhoods from Chicago to Atlanta and Miami. In his late teens and early twenties, his life has been thrust into a desperate existence, wandering homeless through hippie communes, pursuing hard drugs and strange religions, all in his search for healing and love.

Then, just as hope dawns, it fades and dies as Phillip discovers he’s trapped in the suffocating embrace of a heavy-handed ultraconservative Anabaptist church. Twenty-six years pass, and he escapes with his wife and 9 children. Desperately, he runs to mainstream Christianity but doesn’t seem to fit in anywhere.

Best Selling Author Phillip Cohen brings you his memoir which delivers an unforgettable exploration of faith, identity, and the profound pursuit of purpose—a journey guided by the light of Jesus shining through it all. A journey that will leave you questioning your own beliefs and longing for the transformative power of love.


Title: Leaders are Like Giraffes

Subtitle: Leadership Lessons from a Most Unlikely Teacher

Author: Rosemarie Downer Ph.D.

ISBN: 9781956370256


Immerse yourself in a captivating journey where the majestic symbolism of giraffes meets the extraordinary qualities of exceptional leaders. From the agility of their movements to the adaptability needed to overcome obstacles, and their towering height reflecting visionary qualities, this adventure will inspire you to reach new heights of greatness. Explore the innate attributes of these elegant creatures intertwined with the visionary traits that ignite genuine leadership.

Get ready to discover the hidden secrets that will awaken the leader within you. Whether you're already leading a team or aspiring to become a leader, this book will ignite the flame of excellence within you.

Leaders Are Like Giraffes instills an unwavering determination for greatness, providing you with invaluable wisdom, motivation, and priceless perspectives to navigate the complex challenges of leadership with grace and unmatched success. Immerse yourself in the enlightening teachings on leadership contained within these pages and tap into the wellspring of wisdom that has the power to transform you into an exceptional leader.

With this knowledge, you will be poised to conquer new heights of success and navigate the intricate path of leadership with composure and grace.


Title: Graywings (hardcover)
Author: Mary Tisinger
Price: $21.99
ISBN: 9781956370591

We all have problems!

Sometimes, though, problems can be a blessing.

Discover how little duck Graywings’ problem becomes a blessing, and Graywings becomes a hero!

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Title: I will Carry You: A Christmas Story
Author: Stephen Szeremeta
Price: $10.99
ISBN: 9781952025334

This story is about a donkey, Diego, who was born by the same barn by the inn that we all know about though some years before. Diego was born with a very strange make on his forehead –though really not so strange when you finally see it! It’s a wonderful addition to the Christmas Story.

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